
Genetic Testing Registry

Genetic Testing Registry

Diagnosis of genetic defects

Diagnosis of genetic defects and fetal sex determination

Control of high-risk pregnancies

Control of high-risk pregnancies, diagnosis and treatment of fetal problems

Laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy in Gynecology

Diagnostic laparoscopy may be recommended to look at the outside of the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, and internal pelvic area. Diagnostic hysteroscopy is used to look inside the uterine cavity.

Laser Assisted hatching

Laser-assisted hatching can turn around a history of failure for embryos to implant themselves in the uterine wall. Assisted hatching is used to help the embryo hatch from its protective outer shell, the zona pellucida, and promote implantation in the uterine wall after embryo transfer.

Sperm extraction

Extract sperm from the epididymis and testis in men with sperm

Genetic Testing Registry

The infertility survival guide
Writer : Dr Marzieh Mehrafza,Dr Ahmad Hosseini
Page Count : 180